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8th Annual Art of Darkness

Call Open from Aug. 5th - Sept. 7th

October 26th– November 20, 2024
Gallery Opening Thursday, October 24th from 6-9 PM



Can you believe this is our 8th Year of this AMAZING show? Having come to be recognized as our most popular yearly event featuring artists from all over NE (and in some years from all around the country) we're excited to see what you have for us this year!



Subject matter can range from traditional Halloween imagery to artwork that explores the darker side of the human psyche. Work can be a serious take on the theme, or more on the whimsical side. 2D and 3D media accepted.

Submission fees: $35 for up to 3 Entries


All 2D forms of art or sculpture that can hang safely on a wall will be considered. Sculpture requiring a pedestal will also be allowed if no bigger than 18”x18” at the base, weighing no more than 50 lbs.
All work must be securely wired for hanging and gallery ready. Work not properly wired will not be hung even if work has been accepted into show. No sawtooth hangers or clips. No flimsy plastic frames. Unframed paintings must be professionally presented (no staples showing/sides painted)


1) Fill out application form. (For File Uploads: Image files must be JPG files, no more than 10” in height or width, no less than 72 dpi or bigger than 300 dpi. High quality images are important for the selection process and will be considered for promotion and printed media.)

2) You will be asked if you prefer to be billed via PayPal, Venmo, or to receive an email invoice in the form. Indicate which method you prefer and you will receive a request for payment. No entry will be released to the juror for viewing until payment is received. Thank you. 

DEADLINE: Entries MUST be received by September 7th at midnight.

Juror: Michael Ledoux is our Juror this year. Ledoux is a tattoo artist working at Powerline tattoo. (Examples of paintings shown in the header image)You can view his work on Instagram @mledouxtattoo

Notification: Entrants will be notified by email no later than Saturday, September 14th.

Accepted Entries Drop-Off Dates: Thursday, September 19th from 11-1, and on Saturday the 21st from 2-4.

First Place/ Best In Show: Winner will receive $200.
Second Place: Winner will receive $100.
Honorable Mention: Jurist Choice 
Honorable Mention: Gallerist’s Choice

After exhibit pick up: Thursday, November 14th from 11-2 or Saturday, November 16th from 2-4. Failure to pick up work on designated days will result in a $10 storage fee/week. You may assign a 3rd party to pick up work for you if needed.

By submitting this form you have agreed to the following terms and conditions:
The artist affirms that all works of art submitted are original. All artworks must be for sale. No NFS items will be accepted. Do not submit artwork that may not be available after acceptance. Submission fees are not refundable in the event you do not have work accepted in a juried show. The artist determines the price agreed upon at drop-off and understands that HeARTspot LLC will take a 50% commission from the selling price. Works of art must remain on display for the length of the exhibition. The artist gives permission for work to be photographed and used for promotional purposes. All care will be taken to ensure the safety and security of work, but the artist understands that the policy for HeARTspot LLC only covers costs of materials used to create work. The director will determine the sustainability/suitability of the art, framing/support structure and if determined unsafe/unstable, work will not be hung in the show despite acceptance and returned to the artist. Works of art picked up after deadline will accrue a $10/week fee starting the day after pick-up (not pro-rated) which must be rendered to HeARTspot LLC prior to having late work returned.

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